Reading List

The Untethered Soul: The Journey Beyond Yourself
Michael A. Singer

I read this book a very long time ago but still share this quote with my students: “How would you feel if someone outside really started talking to you the way your inner voice does? How would you relate to a person who opened their mouth to say everything your mental voice says? After a very short period of time, you would tell them to leave and never come back. But when your inner friend continuously speaks up, you don’t ever tell it to leave. No matter how much trouble it causes, you listen.” Interesting isn’t it?

The Surrender Experiment
Michael A. Singer

The concept of this book was life changing for me and again I will use the author’s words himself. “My formula for success was very simple: Do whatever is put in front of you with all your heart and soul without regard for personal results. Do the work as though it were given to you by the universe itself – because it was.” For me personally as I began to look at life this way it helped me to be more aware of what I call “the yeses in my life”.

Power vs. Force: The Hidden Determinations of Human Behavior
David Hawkins, M.D., Ph.D.

Do you ever wonder if something is good for you; such as a type of food, behavior, attitude or activity? Dr. Hawkins used applied kinesiology (muscle testing) and then also took it much further by creating a ‘Map of Consciousness’. I loved learning how to live in alignment with what brings me love, joy and peace; and helps me in my pursuit of Enlightment.

Leadership and Self-Deception: Getting out of the Box
The Arbinger Institute

In yoga there is a term; ‘Maya’ which speaks to the illusions (self-deception) we create in life. For me learning to identify my self-deception has been extremely helpful.

Transitions: Making Sense of Life’s Changes
William Bridges

Life transitions can be challenging, even if it is a change you want in life.  As someone who has embraced a lot of change (including more   relocation’s and business/career changes than most people) I can tell you first hand you still have to move through the phases. This tried and true best seller is still a favorite of mine.

The Healing Self
Deepak Chopra, M.D. and Rudolph E. Tanzi, Ph.D.

I’ve been privileged to see these two speak on multiple occasions and what I love most is that they again have combined their decades of experience as doctors (medical and neuroscience) to provide a holistic and comprehensive approach to healing the mind and body. Included are the 6 Pillars of Wellbeing.

Explore Your Hunger
John Immel and Natalie Hine

My Ayurvedic Nutrition teachers wrote a short and easy to read book to help delve into the topic of cravings.

Autobiography of a Yogi
Paramahansa Yogananda

A required read for yoga teachers that I read with enthusiasm! I was reading it on a plane once; highlighting most of what I was reading and dog-earing pages when the woman next to me said “I have to love a person that loves this book so much”. It starts with whimsical descriptions of the ‘saints’ he met in India as a young man and his journey to find his teacher. Additionally I loved getting what I believed were answers to questions I have had about life, such as “Why we are here?” and I also greatly admire his ability to quote all religions so we can see the similarities in the teachings throughout time.

Bhagavad Gita
Ancient Hindu scripture knows as Songs of the Blessed Lord

This is another must read for yoga teachers and is a story; or poem that has been shared throughout the ages.  The story is of an epic battle and teaches us how to live in harmony (vs. at war) with ourselves.  And while I did not discover yoga until my 30’s; at age 16 I created a decoupage with this section:

Look to this day,
For it is life,
The very life of life.
In its brief course lie all the truths
And realities of your existence;
The bliss of growth
The glory of action, and
The splendor of beauty;
For yesterday is but a dream
And tomorrow is only a vision,
But today well lived makes
Every yesterday a dream of happiness
And every tomorrow a vision of hope.
Look well, therefore, to this day.
Such is the salvation of the dawn.