
Our services are outlined below in an order which we recommend. But, we take it one step at a time.

We first invite you to get your Astro-Numerology chart done because this provides possible insights into what gifts, talents, and shadow tendencies you have.

Cultures have used Astro-Numerology for millennia. Our clients are blown away by the accuracy. This translates into enthusiasm, and now we have already tapped into improving their energy as they continue to nurture their most precious relationship, with self.

Complementary 30-Minute Introductory Call:

This allows us to get to know each other and to understand your areas of interest. From here, you may decide to start with the Astro-Numerology charts (which we highly recommend as it can connect a lot of the dots in your life). Or, you can schedule a coaching call, energy clearing, or private Zoom yoga session.


Astro-Numerology Chart $222
This 60 to 90-minute session (phone or Zoom) details your divine code. You will learn about the aspects and transits of the planets when you were born. We like to think of the sky as a stage and the planets (and other light bodies) are the cast of characters. Just like in real life, there are protagonists and antagonists. Aren’t you curious about your cast of characters?

Energy Clearing:

Chakra Cleanse $66
This 30-minute session allows you to reboot energetically. You’d be surprised how much lingers in your energy fields if you haven’t sufficiently digested, processed, or assimilated past circumstances.

Private Mentor/Consulting:

Private Mentor/Consulting Session $132
These 60 to 75-minute calls allow you to get focused and enthusiastic about positive change. We understand change is sometimes scary or “hard work.” But, we want to make it fun! If you want to improve your energy, you cannot approach life with drudgery, fear, or worry. Please select your area of interest:

Life Balance Coaching

Wellness Coaching

Career Coaching

Solo Entrepreneurial Coaching

Group Classes:

Online and in person. Information is available upon request.

Group sessions and bulk packages are more affordable contact us to learn more.